23 August - 22 September

Eager to learn
Constellation Virgo in dogs
A Virgo is also called the dream guide dog because they are so eager to learn and helpful. It is a smart, trainable dog that is eager to work for you and achieve something. This is therefore the reason why a Virgo dog is so quickly housebroken.
They are modest, empathetic, sociable dogs that like to be on their own. They sense well when someone is not feeling well for a while or is ill. They find showing feelings very difficult, so it is good to help these dogs guard their boundaries.
A Virgo dog likes to please everyone, but needs a quiet moment from time to time. They are often not very noisy either, as they are too modest for that. They like to spend all evening with their owner, but preferably lying at your feet or with their head on your lap. This particular animal is especially suitable for someone with the star sign, Taurus, Capricorn, Cancer or Scorpio.
The following gemstones fit well with the characteristics of a Virgo: Amazonite, Citrine, Carnelian, Rhodochrosite and Tiger's eye.
Gemstone test
View the gemstones for Virgo here
Citrine gemstone pendant

23 August - 22 September

View the gemstones for Virgo here
Citrine gemstone pendant